Hi, Dave here. 
Today it was a real privilege to share some of my hidden haunts with Heidi, Ezra, Robby & Caroline. It was really good to be able to have these guys come and see where I go and to have them pray for me and my friends. 
We went to 7 of the key music venues where I hang out on a bit of a whirlwind tour via the Tokyo train system. In many ways Tokyo feels quite small to me now that I am in my niche. 
 At each place I shared some context and stories about the venue and also about 3 key musician friends (mostly noise musicians with a smattering of jazz dudes too). I really love these guys I'm getting to know, and am excited that our future, by God's grace, will move into deeper friendships. 

I also got inspired to do more mini-prayer-tours like this with other Christians I know here in Tokyo. All in all an encouraging and refreshing day (oh yeah and lunch was awesomely delicious too)!