Sunday, 7 April 2013

And we're home...

I just love these two cuties
We had to say our final farewells at 8.30am Tokyo time to Heidi and the children which was a bit hard as always.  Thankfully Dave took us to get our train, we normally do the bus to and from the airport but the timings didn't work for that this time.  Imagine a busy London underground tube train in rush hour and you might just begin to get an idea of how busy it was on a Saturday morning - we wouldn't have even risked it on a weekday with all our luggage!!

The train from Ikebukero to the airport was nice and fast and we got checked in fine.  We decided to have a meal at the airport as soon as we got there since we knew it would be several hours before getting food on the flight.  I bet you didn't think I could get a cherry blossom report into this but there was a cherry blossom decoration in my beef noodles!

The flight was good.  We went over the north of Russia and the Barents sea then down over Norway and Sweden to Amsterdam.  I had a window seat this time and it was amazing looking out over all the snow.

After a bit of a wait to get back to our car due to very heavy traffic in Heathrow we headed home and got back at 11.45pm having been up over 25 hours - bed was a very welcome sight.

Prayer requests

For us that we get over the jetlag quickly.  I have a big project at work that has to be finished by Friday and although everyone else is on holiday so I should get lots done, I need to be awake enough to do it!  Robby should have a fairly normal week, but wont know properly until he get's back tomorrow.

Skippers key dates over the next few weeks til the next MADO.
10th April - Kira start Youchien which is her new preschool, she is looking forward to it but has also been asking when she will go back to Hoikkien
14th April - Dave is playing at a gig at SOUP
16th April - Heidi has the next Harmony group at Takasaki   which is a long journey away.
17th April - the new Harmony plus group will start - this is likely to be a large group
20-23rd April - JBF annual conference.  Dave and Heidi's team are organising it this year so they have responsibility for a couple of sessions.
24th April - Harmony starts back after the Easter holidays  - this will be a much smaller group now

Dave has a lot of work on at the moment organising some gigs in June which have become larger than he had originally thought - he is enjoying the challenge though.  He will also be editing the next edition of the JCL magazine over the next few weeks.

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