Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Prayer Update

We've no photos from today as it has been another very rainy day, so we decided to stay in and have a quiet day instead of battling the elements.

So a couple of prayer updates for you.  We were praying for Kotomi who needed some surgery for possible cancer so had to have her baby a month early.  We knew before we came that it wasn't cancer which is amazing.  As we were packing to come I felt I needed to put a little something in for the baby so I gave a little jumper I had made to Toshiko-san to give to the mother last week and when we saw her yesterday she gave me an update.

The baby was able to go home on Monday - praise the Lord.  They had thought she might have to be in for a few more weeks, but has done really well.  Her name is Leona and I saw a photo - very beautiful.   The mum is still struggling to move around much, but was really encouraged by receiving the present for Leona.  She struggles sometimes and feels down, but her husband reminds her of all the people who have been praying for them and she feels better.  Neither of them are Christians, but she says she can feel people's prayers and that there are angels behind her holding her up and Jesus is behind them.  Wow!  Please continue to pray for them and that they will come to know Jesus fully through this experience.

I am feeling much better, the snuffles have completely gone, although I have a very annoying cough still, which comes on when I laugh and as Ezra makes me laugh all the time I am coughing a lot :)

Tomorrow we are seeing Kanako and Ricky who are coming over for some cake to celebrate Ezra's birthday.  I'm looking forward to seeing her again.

Continued prayers for sleep for the children so Heidi and Dave can get more sleep would be good.  Now the mornings are lighter they are waking up at 5.30 no matter what time they go to bed which isn't helping.

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